By Marlene Olmsted
The biblical book of Ruth comes to life in this 35-minute musical, Ruth. A heartbroken and impoverished Naomi plans to return alone to her homeland … but the young widow Ruth refuses to leave her. As Ruth demonstrates devotion and hard work, she becomes part of a beautiful story of redemption – for Ruth, for Naomi, and for all people through Jesus Christ (descended from Ruth and Boaz’s son). This show has inspiring characters (Naomi, Ruth, and Boaz) and beautiful, Scripture-based songs. The catchy songs tell the story, from "Just One Season" to "Gleaning." Songs include a 3-part round taken directly from Numbers 6:24-26 ("The Lord Bless You and Keep You") and a worshipful song cast members can sing for Jesus as their own kinsman-redeemer ("Who Would Have Imagined?"). Harmony parts enhance several of the songs.
This riser show is designed for at least 20 elementary and/or middle school performers. Eight of the roles have solos integrated with their part, so this will be perfect for a group with strong soloists to feature! There are 17-20 parts with spoken lines and additional parts with no lines, including reapers and gleaners. Adding dance groups and assigning extra solos are great ways to add more special roles. All cast members are part of the ensemble, singing on the risers in all of the songs -- so every cast member is very involved in the show!
"Just One Season" sample
"You Will Love" sample
"Wherever You Go" sample
"Welcome Back" sample
"Gleaning" sample
"Trust in the Lord" sample
"Who Would Have Imagined" sample
"May She Be" sample
"The Lord Bless You" sample
"Stand in Awe" sample
Soundtrack ~ $5.00
This soundtrack includes:
  • All 10 songs from the musical. (mp3)
Digital Preview Package ~ $15.00
This preview package includes:
  • Full script. Sheet music not included. (pdf file)
  • Practice tracks of all 10 songs. (mp3)
Digital Production Package ~ $100.00
This complete production package includes:
  • Full score and script for directors/piano player (pdf file)
  • Singer's edition (melody line and lyrics for all songs) (pdf file)
  • Full script (all drama scenes) (pdf file)
  • Practice tracks of all 10 songs, plus bonus tracks to practice harmony parts (mp3 files)
  • Accompaniment tracks of all 10 songs, plus an opening piano overture (for practice or for your show if you don't have an accompanist) (mp3 files)
  • Character list, including number of lines for each character (pdf file)
  • Audition script (pdf file)
  • Props and scenery list (pdf file)
  • A letter from the authors with show ideas and tips (pdf file)
  • Optional flute part for the song "Just One Season"
  • Optional violin parts for the songs "Who Would Have Imagined?" and "May She Be"
  • Performance rights for your group